Enjoy a collection of one-liners.

Enjoy this collection of thoughts.
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Humans are not smart  enough to understand the complete truth.
Like lice cannot understand all there is to know about the human they live and feed on. 

(Please quote : "Janneke" - translated from Dutch)

The power of silence:
Active silence is a part of communication.
Ignoring someone through active silence is not a communication.
Ignoring someone through active silence is an act of violence.
It deserves a response or else to be ignored.

(Please quote : "Nondisputandum.com")

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Enjoy what and when you can.
When you discuss it, the magical moment is gone.

(Please quote : "Nondisputandum.com")

I wrote this to my expat mother (70+ strong of body & spirit) who lives 2500 km away (I live in Belgium). She was amazed why local inhabitants in her town Manta Rota (Faro, Portugal) had the custom to dive into the ocean in their undies on the last day of the summer. She had regrets that she was not 50 years younger.

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Power is the consequence of leading.
When power is the tool, you are not leading.

(Please quote : "Nondisputandum.com")

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Don't argue with someone who is right.
You will make a fool of you.
Don't argue with someone who is wrong.
He/she will make a fool of you. 

(Please quote : "Nondisputandum.com")