Why do Europeans choose a non-flamboyant leader?

While the World craves for flamboyant leaders,
Europe choose a modest Flemish politician as first president of the "Uniting" States over the well known British Tony Blair. Only few Europeans had ever heard of Herman Van Rompuy. Though in the small mind boggling complex federal state of Belgium, this hard working elder kept the complex household together with the wisdom of a Greec philosopher. He is known among cultural friends as haiku Herman. So, even some Oriental culture is not strange to him.

Certainly, this first president had to be acceptable for all the local European countries. The president was not directly chosen by the European people, but by the representatives of the people. (Personally I think that it is acceptable that the leader of leaders is chosen by the people that he shall lead).

The same story all over again?
Remember the discussion about the choise of the European Capital city. A less flamboyant city like Brussels was finally chosen over more flamboyant cities like Towering Paris, Ancient Rome or Down the Wall Berlin. Brussels is known for it's Manniken Pis. Is it modesty or is it a solution not to offend any (representative of a) major European nation.

Does nationalism and globalism go together?
I believe that nationalism should not be in the way of the common goal, which is the creation of a structure that allows states to live in peace together, where it is safe and simple to travel, where rules and laws are comprehensive for all it's inhabitants. I also believe that nationalism is the guarantee that local customs and languages will be respected. One does not exclude the other. One can enforce the other if and when minds meet.

Yea,... many science-fiction novels have been written about this dream.
But with Haiku Herman as it's representative, it seems closer to reality than ever (for Europeans).

Examples :
There is a huge difference in the style between the personality of this modest first European President and (in example) the  flamboyant but controversial Italian tycoon/president of Italy, Mr. Berlusconi ("I did have sex with that woman"), the French president, Mr. Nicolas Sarkosy or German leader Madame Angela Merkel. These were the leading national European presidents when Van Rompuy was elected president of the European Council.

Choosing wisdom over ego?
It is interesting to compare the differences between the “wise old - Van Rompuys" and the “Flamboyants - Berlusconi/Sarkozy/Merkel”
A quote from president Van Rompuy on juli 4th 2010 (VRT Flemish national TV):
“I have refused two times in a row when Angela Merkel (German President) and Nicolas Sarkosy (French President) proposed me the job of first European president. Twice I asked to find someone else. But it is an honor. I could not refuse a third time.”

Though I never voted for this man (Mr. Van Rompuy is member of the Flemish christian political party while I vote liberal), I've always considered him to be a genuine humanist in the largest sence of the word. Beyond political colours, a good choice for Europe as long as he does not (catholic style) mix dogmas with values. I trust this man.

Van Rompuy versus "the Flamboyants":

modest hard working >< craving for attention
comprehensive >< angry
intellect >< adrenaline
understanding >< frustration
philosopher >< emperor
consensus >< fight for it
provide a future >< crave for a place in history books
enlightened >< seeking

Some leaders show their true face, like Nigel Farage, the British anti-European European Parliament member (notice the inadequacy) who (passive aggressively) stated that Van Rompuy has the charisma of a damp rag. I think that he could not be more wrong in his jugement to state that he has no "charisma" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqovTGjYjM4 .

Belgian humor :
When his sister went in politics with (controversially) the Belgian communist party, the communist party (PVDA) came out with a campaign showing Van Rompuy as a clown. Everybody in Belgium had a good laugh with it,... but nobody took it serious. Least of all Mr. Van Rompuy.

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